Sage Advice from Steve Gwenin

Follow Your Dreams, Or Regret It!

Picture it, you are there, surfing perfect waves every day, time and time again until you no longer can. The days in the sun and the surf, the adventure, the nature, the good times, living the dream, whilst you still can! 

No regrets

Picture this as well – you, at the end of your days, sitting slumped in the chair in the old people’s home, looking back at your life, considering the choices you’ve made… 






“I wish I’d followed my dreams.” It’s one of the most common death-bed regrets. 

“I wish I didn’t work so hard.” “I wish I’d let myself be happier,” “I wish I’d traveled and experienced more.” They’re all in the top 5. 

“I wish I hadn’t followed my dreams”, “hadn’t made the most of life,” “hadn’t surfed as much,” They aren’t.

People dream their dreams, but most, don’t pursue them. They just carry on, play it safe, and do what everyone else does, the odd surf at the local, and the odd trip, once or twice a year, a glimpse of the life they could have chosen. 

But some people do. Some people have. Some people choose another path, a different path, and choose to live their dreams, whilst they can. 


We get one shot at life, only one. By the time we 

reach the end it’s too late, but today, now, it’s not. 

Today, you can still choose, differently, choose to make a decision, to take a step towards making your dreams come true.

Your dreams, or regrets?

Which will you choose, today?

No regrets

If your dream is to buy a plot, a house, a place in paradise, to live and surf there before the end of your days, speak to us today. Or regret it!

No regrets








Words by Steve Gwenin, an Executive Surf, Life, and Business Strategist, who helps senior managers who surf turn their dreams into reality.  To book a Complimentary

Surf Strategy Session on Zoom with Steve, and plan how to make your surf dream come true, please book a time via Surfers Life Club.

Steve Gwenin Life Club

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